[Easy Fix] Stop Salesforce Emails Going to Spam in 2024


It’s a puzzling paradox, right? You invest in a top-notch tool to enhance your email game, only to find your messages stuck in digital limbo. So, what’s the issue? Why are some Salesforce emails going to spam?

Don’t worry, salesforce expert here to demystify the “Salesforce-to-spam” puzzle and reveal the secret hacks to prevent salesforce emails from going to spam.

In this blog, we’ll uncover the hidden reasons behind these unwelcome detours to the spam folder. We’ll expose common mistakes, unravel technical challenges, and offer practical tips to ensure your Salesforce emails land where they should – in the eyes of your target audience.

Short Answer: You’ve to use an email warmup to build up your email reputation so your Salesforce email stops going to spam.

Step 1: Email Relay

What is Email Relay?

email relay

So, what’s the deal with Email Relay?

Email Relay is your trustworthy email guardian.

It guides your Salesforce emails through your company’s email server, acting like a secret pathway that dodges the spam dragon’s flames. This not only enhances your email’s credibility but also allows you to use your current content filters to maintain a spotless reputation.

How to Set up Email Relay?

How Can You Safeguard Email Relay to Prevent Salesforce Email Going to Spam?

  1. Switch off “Activate Bounce Management”: Let your emails flow freely without unnecessary detours. Bounce management? Not on our watch!
  2. Turn off “Enable compliance with standard email security mechanisms”: Sometimes, it’s good to break away from the standard. Turn off this setting, allowing your emails to dance through the digital world with flair.

And there you have it – a guide to setting up Email Relay smoothly.

How Can You Safeguard Email Relay to Prevent Salesforce Emails Going to Spam?

How to Set up Email Relay?

Now let’s ensure your emails always hit the right inbox and never get lost in the spam folder. Here’s how you can secure Email Relay and resolve email from Salesforce going to spam:

Setup 1: Email Relay Activation

1. Create a Support case with Salesforce customer support. Ask them to enable “Email Relay” for your organization and provide your Organization ID.

2. Check if the feature is enabled by going to setup and searching for “Email Relays.” If you find “Email Relay Activation,” it’s good to go!

3. Configure Email Relays settings:

  • Enable SMPT Auth
  • Set Host, Password, Port, TLS Setting, and Username
  • Save the page and create Email Domain Filters

4. Create Email Domain Filters:

  • Set Sender Domain, Recipient Domain, and Email Relay.
Setup 2: Email Security Compliance

1. Go to Setup >> Administer >> Email Administration >> Deliverability.

2. Enable the following in email security compliance:

  • “Enable compliance with standard email security mechanisms”
  • “Enable Sender ID compliance”

These checkboxes will make your Salesforce emails look legit, using your company domain and verifying the IP address. No more spam folder adventures!

So, there you have it – your guide to conquering the Salesforce Emails Going to Spam quest.

Bonus Hacks to Secure Salesforce Emails Going to Spam

Hack 1: Refreshing Your Domain for Priority Inbox Treatment

Think of your domain like your brand reputation – one bad apple can spoil the bunch. Spam filters hold grudges, so a past spam incident can haunt your emails forever.

Refreshing Your Domain

The fix:

  1. Warm up your domain: Gradually increase the volume of emails from your new domain, like a warm-up for your inbox strength. Utilize tools such as automated email warm up. For more details, explore our guides on the best email warmup tools.
  2. Track your sender score: Think of it as your inbox credit score. Tools like Google Postmaster Tools give you the inside scoop. Low score? Time for some email rehab!

Hack 2: Maintaining a Clean IP Address for Email Success

Your IP address is like your email reputation. If your neighborhood is known for unwanted email senders, your emails might get caught up.

Maintaining a Clean IP Address

The Fix:

  1. Check for blacklists: Make sure your IP isn’t on any spam lists. Use MXToolbox to check and fix.
  2. Be a good sender: Send good emails, don’t send too much, and keep your bounce rate low. Just be a good neighbor.

Bonus tip: Treat your email reputation like your brand reputation. Send valuable content, nurture relationships, and build trust.

Hack 3: Creating Emails with a Mobile-First Approach for Top-notch Inbox Recognition

Think mobile, think inbox! Most folks check email on their phones these days, so make sure your emails shine on the small screen.

Mobile-First Approach

The fix:

  1. Embrace responsive design: Make mobile-friendly emails a breeze. No more wonky formatting or sideways scrolling!
  2. Keep it text-heavy: A balanced mix of text and visuals is key. Remember, spam filters love plain ol’ text, so give them what they crave.
  3. Branding on a budget: Inject a touch of your brand identity with colors and logos, but avoid overdoing it. Think minimalist chic, not full-on Vegas neon.

Bonus tip: Optimize your images for lightning-fast loading on mobile networks. No one likes waiting for pixelated pictures!

Hack 4: Say Goodbye to Many Attachments

Spam filters hate attachments: .exe files? Red flag city. Large image galleries? Suspect.

Many Attachments

The fix:

  1. Link it up: Share files via cloud storage like Google Drive or Dropbox. It’s safer, faster, and spam-filter-friendly.
  2. Text is king: Mix those visuals with good old-fashioned text. Spam filters love it, and your readers will appreciate the clarity.

Bonus tip: Consistent is key! Avoid sending bursts of emails followed by radio silence. Spam filters like a predictable rhythm, so stick to a regular schedule.

Hack 5: Avoid Spam Triggers, Navigate the Inbox Safely

Spam Triggers

Common Spam Triggers:

  • Buzzwords Alert: Words like “Free!” or “Act now!” are red flags for spam filters. Keep it genuine by toning down the hype.
  • Avoid Hidden Secrets: Don’t hide important info in images; spam filters can see through that. Stick to clear and straightforward text.
  • Volume Control: Using ALL CAPS or too many exclamation marks screams spam. Take it easy, email warrior.
  • Emojis in Moderation: ❤✨🔥👍🥺 A few emojis add flavor, but too many can overwhelm. Think of them as sprinkles, not the entire frosting. Avoid using the repetition of the same emoji as well.
  • Font Harmony: Stick to one font. Mixing colors and styles confuses spam filters. Keep it simple to avoid a filter frenzy. Along with using inconsistent fonts, avoid using custom fonts as well.
  • Avoid using HTML format: Assuming that your email is relatively new and is not Warmedup enough, don’t use HTML format for email.

Bonus tip: Tools to check email for spam triggers help you spot spam triggers before they strike.

There you have it, just apply these hacks and say goodbye to Salesforce Email Going to Spam!

Putting an End to Salesforce Emails Going to Spam

Salesforce Emails Going to Spam, No More

Well, email champs, we did it! We’ve tackled the issues about emails from Salesforce going to spam and discovered the secrets to owning the inbox! Remember, it’s not just about tech stuff – it’s about building trust with your audience.

By using these tips, you’ll create emails that dodge filters and go straight to your recipients’ hearts (and inboxes, obviously). And guess what? Our automated email warm-up tool has your back, making sure your messages shine and turn subscribers into super fans.

But this isn’t the end! Share your thoughts, throw in your questions, let’s keep the chat going.

Your inbox aspirations are within reach, free from unwanted ads and dubious offers. Together, we’ll defeat the spam challenge and make sure your marketing messages hit their mark – with undeniable success!

So, go ahead, marketing pros! Work your email magic and rule the inbox realm!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Salesforce Emails go to Spam?

Salesforce emails can sometimes be classified as spoofing or spam messages, leading them to end up in spam folders. The likelihood of this happening depends on the outbound email settings of Salesforce and the strength of the recipient’s spam email settings.

Do Salesforce Mass Emails go to Spam?

The delivery of Salesforce mass emails to spam folders can be influenced by various factors. It depends on the recipient’s email system, spam filters, and the overall email sending practices. To minimize the chances of mass emails going to spam, it’s crucial to follow best practices, maintain good sender reputation, and ensure that recipients have opted in to receive communications.

How to Prevent Salesforce Emails from Going to Spam?

To prevent Salesforce emails from being flagged as spam, ensure your email authentication settings are correctly configured, use a dedicated IP address, and craft engaging content with minimal spam-triggering elements. Additionally, regularly clean your email lists, provide clear opt-out options, and monitor sending frequency to maintain a positive sender reputation and maximize inbox delivery.


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